List of Recent Lectures
- Fall 2024: Unconventional Computing
- Spring 2024: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Fall 2023: Theory of Computing,
- Fall 2023: 세상의 미래
- Spring 2023: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Fall 2022: Introduction to Algorithms
- Fall 2022: Foundations of VR/AI/MMORPGs
- Fall 2021: Introduction to Algorithms (online lecture)
- Fall 2021: Theory of Computing (online lecture)
- Spring 2021: Introduction to Algorithms (online lecture)
- Fall 2020: Computer Science of Continuous Data:Algorithmic Foundation of Numerics (online lecture)
- Spring 2020: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (online lecture)
- Spring 2019: Theory of Computation (lecture)
- Fall 2018: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (lecture)
- Fall 2018: Introduction to Algorithms (lecture)
- Summer 2018: Algorithmic Foundations of Numerics (summer school)
- Spring 2018: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (lecture)
- Spring 2018: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (lecture)
- Spring 2018: Tensor Calculus in Exact Real Computation (capstone programming)
- Fall 2017: Discrete Mathematics (lecture)
- Fall 2017: Theory of Computation (lecture)
- Spring 2017: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (lecture)
- Fall 2016: Algorithmic Foundations of Numerics (lecture)
- Spring 2016: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (lecture)
- Fall 2015: Theory of Computation (lecture)
- Spring 2015: Computability in Analysis (lecture+tutorial, 2+1h/week, held by Dr. Matthias Schröder)
- Spring 2015: Computational Complexity in Analysis (lecture+tutorial, 2+1h/week)
- Fall 2014: Nonuniform Complexity Theory (seminar, 2h/week)
- Spring 2014: Algebraic Complexity Theory (lecture+tutorial, 2+1h/week)
- Spring 2013: Computability in Analysis (lecture+tutorial, 2+1h/week)
- Spring 2013: Logical Foundations of Computer Science I (lecture+tutorial, 2+1h/week)
- Spring 2013: Logical Foundations of Computer Science II (lecture+tutorial, 2+1h/week)
- Fall 2012: Structural Complexity Theory (seminar, 2h/week, held jointly with PD Dr. Ulrike Brandt
- Spring 2012: Algebraic, Topological, and Physical Aspects of Computing (lecture+tutorial, 2+1h/week)
- Fall 2011: Complexity Theory (lecture+tutorial, 2+2h/week)
- Spring 2011: Real Complexity (seminar, 2h/week, held jointly with PD Dr. Ulrike Brandt
- Spring 2011: Advanced Complexity Theory (lecture+tutorial, 2+1h/week)
- Spring 2011: Logical Foundations of Computer Science I+II (lecture+tutorial, 4+2h/week)
- Fall 2010: Complexity Theory (lecture+tutorial, 2+2h/week)
- Spring 2010: Introduction to Mathematical Logic (lecture+tutorial, 4+2h/week)
- Fall 2009: Computable Analysis (seminar, 2h/week)
- Fall 2008: Introduction to Computability, Complexity, and Formal Languages (lecture+tutorial, 4+2h/week)
- Fall 2008: Special Topics in Computer Science (lecture, 1CP)
- Spring 2008: Complexity Theory (lecture+tutorial, 2+1h/week)
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