Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CS500) in Spring 2020 at KAIST's School of Computing
All Computer Science is based on the concept of an efficient algorithm: a finite sequence of primitive instructions that, when executed according to their well-specified semantics, provably provide a mechanical solution to the infinitely many instances of a complex mathematical problem within a guaranteed number of steps of least asymptotic growth. We thus call these the 'virtues' of Theoretical Computer Science:
- full and unambiguous problem specification
- formal semantics of operational primitives
- algorithm design (as opposed to 'programming')
- and analysis (correctness, asymptotic cost)
- with proof of asymptotic optimality.
Building on undergraduate CS300 (Introduction to Algorithms), the graduate-level course CS500 discusses the design of advanced algorithms and analyzes their behaviour with respect to various notions of performance such as
- worst-case,
- average-case,
- expected, and
- amortized runtime;
- memory use,
- competitive ratio,
- approximation ratio etc.
Their practical impact is demonstrated in selected implementations.
Lecturer: Martin Ziegler
Classroom: Online
Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00am to 10:30am
Lectures start from March 17th.
Language: English only
Teaching Assistants: 임동현 (, Ivan Koswara (
Homework: Handwritten individual solutions (English only) and programming assignments in ELICE.
Grading: In view of the recent switch to online teaching and cancelled midterm, the final grade is determined to 50% from homework and 50% from final exam.
Midterm: cancelled
Final exam: TBD
Prerequisites: CS204 (Discrete Mathematics), CS300 (Introduction to Algorithms)
- Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein: Introduction to Algorithms (3rd Edition), MIT Press (2009).
- Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vazirani: Algorithms, McGraw-Hill (2006).
- Kleinberg, Tardos: Algorithm Design, Pearson (2006).
- Vöcking, Alt, Dietzfelbinger, Reischuk, Scheideler, Vollmer, Wagner: Algorithms Unplugged, Springer (2011).
- Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms (Robert Sedgewick and Philippe Flajolet)
- Online Computation and Competitive Analysis (Allan Borodin and Ran El-Yaniv)
- Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis (Michael Mitzenmacher and Eli Upfal)
- M. Sipser: Introduction to the theory of computation, Boston (1997)
- E. Vigoda: Graduate Algorithms
- R. Sedgewick: Algorithms
- Coursera: Data Structures and Algorithms
0. Preliminaries (pdf,ppt,video)
1. Introduction (pdf,ppt,video)
2. Examples (pdf,ppt,video)
3. Tree Data Structures (pdf,ppt,video1,video2,video3,video4)
4. Amortized Analysis (pdf,ppt,video1,video2,video3,video4,video5,bonus)
5. Randomization (pdf,ppt,video1,video2,video3)
6. Online/Competitive (pdf,ppt,video1,video2,video3)
7. Complexity Theory (pdf,ppt,video1,video2)
8. Approximation (pdf,ppt,video1,video2,video3)
(9. Memory≈parallel Time)
10. Conclusion (pdf,ppt)